Under the leadership of JCI Member Rafael Reyes Dela Cruz as President for Administrative Year 2007, the JCI San Pablo 7 Lakes or San Pablo “Seven Lakes” Jaycees, Inc. received four (4) major awards, and two (2) merit awards during the recently held National Convention in Cebu City, making this local organization (LOM) as one of the most decorated chapters in the Philippines according to JCI Philippines National President Albert Raphael Angelo “RIP” A. Lesaca when he attended the 60th Induction of Officers held last Saturday at Coco Palace Hotel in this city. President Rip said the four (4) majors awards that JCIP San Pablo Seven Lakes received were “Best United Nations Millennium Development Goals Project” for Project: Stop AIDS. Keep The Promise; “Best Sports Development Program” for Project: 11th KABYAW ( A Bikathon Race to visit city’s seven lakes); “Best Youth Activities Program” for Project: Youth Leadership Camp; and “Best Public Health Program” for Project: Adopt A School: Fee...